Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to light a subject on a backdrop!

It is hard to light a subject on a backdrop.  Why is it hard?  (1) Getting the light right and (2) achieving no shadows on the backdrop.  If you are wanting to hone on on some backdrop magic skills, keep reading!

Ok, so first off I want to get this out of the way - aren't these girl ADORABLE?!  This was taken in the clients home with a paper savage backdrop from BandH.  First, set up your backdrop and make sure that there is a lot of floorspace where you can roll the backdrop on a hard surface.  The reason you need a lot of space is because you do not want the subject close to the backdrop - This creates the shadow!

Roll it out like the below image.  This is the tulip backdrop from BandH that I started out with for this particular session.  As you can see, the subject will be standing about 3-4 fee away from the actual backdrop.

I then set up a 7" parabolic umbrella right in front of my subject.  It is important to know - the bigger the light source and the closer it is to your subject, the softer the light is on the subject.  I had the light shooting above the subjects.

Tech information:  1/160, F9, Flash at 1/4 power, 24-70MM lens

Below are some more images I took from this session.  I had minimal need to do much editing.  The light and color was perfect!  Always contact me if you have any questions - I love teaching!

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