Friday, May 4, 2012

Ready to Pop: HOW TO.

You can spend tens of thousands of dollars to be able to get "studio" results in your photographs.  Backdrops, stands, lighting equipment, umbrellas, soft boxes,  and renting a studio really add up!  This "How To" article will help you get those studio results at a reasonable price.

First off you need off camera flash!  On camera is ok and needed, but the ability to put light where you want it will revolutionize the way you shoot your children and friends.  Buy a speed light (vary in price), buy a remote trigger ($60, I rigged mine for $30-40), and start practicing.  Bounce the light off walls, ceilings, close to subjects, and away from subjects.  Practice. Practice. Practice!

The photo above is a shot I took last week.  It was not taken in a studio, there were no umbrellas, expensive strobe heads, or power packs.  I used my camera, an on camera flash, and an off camera speed light triggered with a a cheap remote triggering system I ghetto rigged (that's a different blog all together).  the below image will give you more information on placement and settings than my limited writing skills can, but I am going to try anyway.

I shot this shot in a parking garage in downtown Duluth, Georgia.  I clamped ($.37!) my paper backdrop ($25.95) to a vent with  that was located at the corner of the garage.  I then placed my off camera speed light to camera left and popped the flash @ 1/4 power towards the ceiling and wall.  This allowed the right side of my subject to be lit up with good light and also created a harsh shadow around her left shoulder. (look!)  I had my on camera flash at 1/8 power with a Gary Fong Dome ($59).  This filled the font of my subject with beautiful light.

The key to this blog post and most of my posts is - - You don't need the best of the best camera equipment to get great results.  Get creative!  Look at the best equipment, go to home depot, and make it yourself.  Work with what you have, invest in some essentials (OFF CAMERA FLASH) and shoot away!

And that is it!  Well, at least I think it is - any questions?

Kyle Valencia
Valencia Photography Facebook