This photo was taken at F4.5 and 1/200 for the shutter.. I was bored one day and decided I wanted to shoot strawberries in a martini glass. I simply placed a
white backdrop (you could use a table clothe) in the back of my pick up truck. I place a strobe light in the top right at 1/8 power and had a speed light on camera at 1/8 for a little fill. I simply dropped the strawberries from a foot above the glass and pressed the shutter down (and held it down) as soon as the berries entered the glass.
HERE IS THE KEY. Keep your lens at Manual. I put a pencil in the middle of the glass and focused the lens on the pencil. This way my lens will fire quickly and not have to "search" around while I am dropping the strawberries AND Will keep my subject, the strawberries, in constant focus.
This was a fun project and I enjoyed playing around with my lights, lenses, and camera. I probably took around 100 photos and only kept this one... Keep on Shooting!