I recently attended a wedding in Birmingham for a friend that has been in our lives (myself and my wife) for a very long time. We have had wonderful memories with Adam and his wonderful family! It is always refreshing to (1) see friends get married and (2) not have to worry about photographing the entire wedding.
I titled this "Content is Key" becuase I wanted to talk to you about making sure that whenever you take pictures you are always thinking about the content in that image. Shutter speeds, ISO's, and aperature's are all very important things. They are crucial in order to get a good image. One might argue that it is the most important part of getting a good image. I would disagree. Content is either as important or more important. You can shoot an image of anything and it be perfectly exposed, but if it doesn't excite people or create emotions in them, then it is not a good image. Good art moves people.
Take the image above. I was playing around with my camera as Adam and Meredith were dancing. I didn't use a flash, I had my ISO bumped up to 2500, shutter at 1/160 and my aperature at 2.8. The images came out a little blurry. But those images, in my opinion :), are great becuase of the content. They show love. They show excitement. I wasn't working the wedding so I didn't use my time to get the greatest exposure - I used it to capture content.
Go out and create images that move.
Enjoy and let me know your thoughts!