Saturday, January 31, 2009

Peyton Valencia 22 weeks

First of all I want to tell you how excited I am that I figured out how to do some off camera flash using my 430EX flash.  It took some "ghetto riggin" -  but I did it.  I had to cut some cords, splice some wires,  and add a 1/4 stereo jack to one end in order to have the receiver be plugged into the 430EX.  Anyways - here are some PMAN pics.

This is just to show you my off camera flash (also had an ON camera flash).  I also made a small softbox out of an old folgers can, a tshirt, and some gaffers tape (seen in this picture - well, sort of)
The Peytonator is smiling all the time now.  He loves to hang out with Jessie.  He also loves it when I am super energetic with him.  He is such a great baby.
More smiles.
A TYPICAL Peyton look.  This is his "whats going on over there" look.
He sucks on his fingers constantly!
NOTE to family:  You can save any of these pictures to your computer!  Simply right click on the picture and pick "SAVE AS"