Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hiking the Rim Trail

My friend Bryan and I went hiking last weekend.  It has been a long time since I have actually been on a "real" hike.  ("real" - more than one night).  We went to North Carolina to hike the Rim Trail.  This is the trail 8-9 years ago we went on.  Short Recap:   lost water, 100 degree weather, 14 miles in, dehydrated, delirious - miraculously found water at 5,200 feet spewing out of the mountain.  here are a few pictures of the trip.  It was heard to take anything worth while using my old digital rebel (only works 30% of the time - especially in the cold!)

I was so proud that my tacoma made it to the top!  It was a very rough, muddy, and snowy "road" (if you even want ot call it that!)
This one was taken right at our campsite (5,800 feet) at dusk.  It is probably in my top 3 best campsites ever!  (which is amazing because it is in the southeast - the other two are in the Adorondacks (NY) and in Colorado.
First campsite - It was FREEZING!  Got int he low teens at night.  The last night I got an ember in my thermarest (basically a mini 1" air matress) and had to sleep on the snow.  Worst night yet outside!
on the trail - we had to wear the orange hats because it is hunting season.