Saturday, January 31, 2009

Senior pictures

I cant tell you enough how much fun it was taking these pictures of Amanda and Nicole.  They are two seniors who are in my youth group.   They are fun loving, best friends, and very photogenic!  

I took them to an abandoned shack/house/barn.  Still not sure which one it was.  It made for great pictures though.
I am totally loving this new location I found.  it has lakes, gazeboes, picnic tables, flowers (in the summer and spring of course), and a ton of greenery!
Here is a wide shot of the gazebo.
Some more in the gazeebo.  I had to blow out the background becuase the sun was BEATING down on her from behind.  I think it worked out though.
This is the front of the neighborhood (pond, waterfall, and greenery!)

Peyton Valencia 22 weeks

First of all I want to tell you how excited I am that I figured out how to do some off camera flash using my 430EX flash.  It took some "ghetto riggin" -  but I did it.  I had to cut some cords, splice some wires,  and add a 1/4 stereo jack to one end in order to have the receiver be plugged into the 430EX.  Anyways - here are some PMAN pics.

This is just to show you my off camera flash (also had an ON camera flash).  I also made a small softbox out of an old folgers can, a tshirt, and some gaffers tape (seen in this picture - well, sort of)
The Peytonator is smiling all the time now.  He loves to hang out with Jessie.  He also loves it when I am super energetic with him.  He is such a great baby.
More smiles.
A TYPICAL Peyton look.  This is his "whats going on over there" look.
He sucks on his fingers constantly!
NOTE to family:  You can save any of these pictures to your computer!  Simply right click on the picture and pick "SAVE AS"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Peyton is getting old!

My little boy is getting so old. (And Big!)    He has recently been dealing with a pretty nasty cough and ear ache.    The Doctor said that his neck muscles need to be stretched out (he likes to favor his left side) - SO - jessie and I have been stretching his neck and just making it easier for him to straighten out his little head.  He is in the 50-75% for his weight (i believe he is like 16lbs)  and the doctor said you cant even tell that he was a month early.  We call him Biggen, Funk Master P, Peytonator (our Fav!), Mr. P, P-man, P.I. (isaac), Little Man, and Chunkers.  Who would have thought we would have so many names for such a little boy!

Peyton loves sticking out his tongue.  When he laughs, smiles, and just because - he sticks it out!  He is grabbing things more and more each day, will hold your finger, giggles, laughs, and is definitely aware of his surroundings.  

Jessie loves staying home with him and taking care of him.  He is a little mommy's-boy.  We will have to change that later. :)

Here is Peytons Christmas present to mom.  I painted a large canvas grey (with black) and then splatter painted it, and then had the Nator (another name for him :)) walk on it and put his hands on it with orange paint.

Random Picture:  Kevin, Matthew, Jessie, and I all wen tot the elevation concert a few weeks back.  Elevation is a great band and put on a great show.  Here we are taking a picture with the drummer (Stephen Bailey:  Great friend from high school) - Jessie and I had Stephen over for dinner two days before the concert - it was a great time! 

Recent Album Layouts

Here are a few of my recent albums I have created for two brides.  They both got a 10X10 zookbook (between 24-30 pages).   Imagine an open book - that's what these layouts are - a 10X20 picture.  Zookbooks lay flat.

I love the picture on the left.  I saw this old barn behind the church and knew that this would be a great photo op.  Of course  - Kristen and Will made it really easy to capture some great shots.
The Flint House in Roswell is a perfect place to get married.  It is beautiful inside and out.  
Bricks always give a great background.  Here Staci is just hanging out and having fun before the ceremony.
Downtown Cumming Ga - Ceremony         Country Club of the South - Reception

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hiking the Rim Trail

My friend Bryan and I went hiking last weekend.  It has been a long time since I have actually been on a "real" hike.  ("real" - more than one night).  We went to North Carolina to hike the Rim Trail.  This is the trail 8-9 years ago we went on.  Short Recap:   lost water, 100 degree weather, 14 miles in, dehydrated, delirious - miraculously found water at 5,200 feet spewing out of the mountain.  here are a few pictures of the trip.  It was heard to take anything worth while using my old digital rebel (only works 30% of the time - especially in the cold!)

I was so proud that my tacoma made it to the top!  It was a very rough, muddy, and snowy "road" (if you even want ot call it that!)
This one was taken right at our campsite (5,800 feet) at dusk.  It is probably in my top 3 best campsites ever!  (which is amazing because it is in the southeast - the other two are in the Adorondacks (NY) and in Colorado.
First campsite - It was FREEZING!  Got int he low teens at night.  The last night I got an ember in my thermarest (basically a mini 1" air matress) and had to sleep on the snow.  Worst night yet outside!
on the trail - we had to wear the orange hats because it is hunting season.