Monday, October 19, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Myrtle Beach 2009

It was yet another great time at Myrtle Beach. Every year at the end of the summer we go to Myrtle Beach. It is such a perfect time to go. The summer is always so crazy for us! So a week long beach trip is always appreciated at the end of the summer.

Peyton Loved to Surf!

Summer 2009

Took this on my vacation to Myrtle Beach. The rainbow looked like this for just a few moments.

Took these pictures below at Panama City, Panama

This boy is a native. He lives in a Thatched roof hut and bathes in the creek. All the kids were very cute!

Panama Canal!

Wedding in July

Right before the kiss
Great railroad tracks right next to the reception hall

Wow - It has been such a long time since I updated my blog. I have been so busy! This summer was Crazy.. I had photography, Grace Fellowship, sold stuff off craigs list, did design for jobhunter, aggressive advertisement, and did a few other odd jobs!

Here are a few pics of a wedding I did back in July. It was probably the best and more fun wedding I have ever shot! Meredith and Scott were both really cool, funny, and fun people!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Flore Photoshoot

Had a photoshoot with the Flore family again.  They have proven themselves to be one of my best clients!  This is the biggest family portrait I am ever done (well, not really, done bigger at weddings) -  I shot these with my 40D and Alien Bee 800.  Most were F6-11 250

Drops of water

I was bored one night, So I decided to take some pictures of water droplets...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Biggest Trout Yet!

Dicks creek up in north Ga is now my favorite place to fish.  Bryan and I spent two nights here and spent 90% of our time fishing and cooking trout.  The average size trout we were catching were between 8-9 inches.  The entire time we were there we probably caught about 45 trout and cooked probably 20 of those.

Here is the exception of that 8-9 inch trout.  This beauty was the prize of the weekend.  he is 21.5 inches and was caught in a pool no more than 10 feet across and 5-6 feet deep.  I played him for just a few seconds and then swung him on the bank because I only had 2lb line on.  it snapped off right when it was getting onto the bank.
Here is some context to the size trout we were catching and the monster I caught

the two filets on the fire......   I put toasted almond on my side.  MMmmm

First nights catch

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Peyton 8 Months

The Nator Gator

I got my new Alien Bee AB800 light the other day so I decided to play with it.  It was fun to use Pman as my subject.  The backdrop is actually our bedsheet draped on 2 chairs.  

His hair looks red in certain lighting!  Don't know exactly where he got that.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Fishing - Grand Cascades

This is the biggest catfish I have ever caught.  I threw out a piece of a hotdog and caught this monster in about 5 mins!  It took me about 5 mins to get him in because I was using an ultralight rod with 4LB test line.  I think he was easily 5BL
A pic when I got home.  My neighbor, John, wanted to take some catfish home to filet and eat - MMmmmm  it was GOOD!
They also have bass at the Grand Cascades.  I caught this guy in about 2 feet of water about 3 feet away from me.

Phone Pics

Peyton is in love with the spokes woman for Chita Banana. 
Pman is starting early with his studies!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Elyse and Daniel Engagement Pictures

Here are a few pictures I took of Elyse and Daniel for their engagement.  It was a lot of fun to take their pictures.  There were so many that I liked - but here are a few of my favorite.

This one is probably my favorite picture I took.  I love how the outer brick frames the entire picture.
Also another favorite.  This gazebo gives a lot of opportunities for pictures.

Elyse needed a few Senior pictures - here is one I liked because it shows her real laugh.  It is definitely an "Elyse" look.
This was a funny location to shoot.  There is a door to their left that had graffiti on it that said, "Trespassers will be molested (twice)".  I decided to crop that out of the picture.  :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Senior Portrait

I took some senior portraits in downtown Alpharetta yesterday and they really turned out.  I love shooting in Alpharetta because there are a TON of opportunities.  There are stairways, alleys, brick, stone, flowers, everything.

Here is a sample senior announcement that I made for the client.  I try to make them before they even express any interest in having them.  They usually see it and then want to buy it.  
This was actually taken towards the end of the shoot.  She got more and more confortable with posing right next to Highway 9.  I would say, "just try to ignore all the honks and stares" 
Off camera light to her left.

I rigged up my 430EX flash to sync up with my camera.  So it is really cool to shoot on sunny days because it is like I am shooting with three lights (on camera, off camera, and sun)