My little boy is getting so old. (And Big!) He has recently been dealing with a pretty nasty cough and ear ache. The Doctor said that his neck muscles need to be stretched out (he likes to favor his left side) - SO - jessie and I have been stretching his neck and just making it easier for him to straighten out his little head. He is in the 50-75% for his weight (i believe he is like 16lbs) and the doctor said you cant even tell that he was a month early. We call him Biggen, Funk Master P, Peytonator (our Fav!), Mr. P, P-man, P.I. (isaac), Little Man, and Chunkers. Who would have thought we would have so many names for such a little boy!
Peyton loves sticking out his tongue. When he laughs, smiles, and just because - he sticks it out! He is grabbing things more and more each day, will hold your finger, giggles, laughs, and is definitely aware of his surroundings.
Jessie loves staying home with him and taking care of him. He is a little mommy's-boy. We will have to change that later. :)

Here is Peytons Christmas present to mom. I painted a large canvas grey (with black) and then splatter painted it, and then had the Nator (another name for him :)) walk on it and put his hands on it with orange paint.
Random Picture: Kevin, Matthew, Jessie, and I all wen tot the elevation concert a few weeks back. Elevation is a great band and put on a great show. Here we are taking a picture with the drummer (Stephen Bailey: Great friend from high school) - Jessie and I had Stephen over for dinner two days before the concert - it was a great time!