Monday, January 23, 2012

Place mats as a background

This is going to be a quick note. I just wanted every to see how I took this picture of Lincoln today. I wanted to get a close up of his face in natural light. He has some huge and cute eyes!

I didnt want to use a generic black or white backdrop, so I took our dining table's place mats and placed them on the ground next to our sliding glass door in the kitchen.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Content is Key

I recently attended a wedding in Birmingham for a friend that has been in our lives (myself and my wife) for a very long time. We have had wonderful memories with Adam and his wonderful family! It is always refreshing to (1) see friends get married and (2) not have to worry about photographing the entire wedding.

Monday, January 2, 2012

What if you saw a cow doing a backflip?

The title of this note is only a portion of what I want to talk about. It is one of MANY questions we ask our boys (& clients) in order to get their attention. Asking weird and intriguing questions to your subjects is one of the best ways to (1) get their attention and (2) get a real reaction and expression. They are caught off guard and will give real results.

"What if you saw a monkey on your swing outside?" "What if backhoe knocked on your bedroom door and asked you to play?" "What if a trash truck said, "ooooooooooooh yeah!!! ?" "I think YOU smell like a trash truck!"
Here are a few results.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Baby Photography: Minimal Materials, Large Results

I have a new born baby, actually he is already three months (!), and today I decided I really need to get some images of him before he gets all chunked up like my other children did (if you know my other children, you know what I mean)

Lincoln is the perfect subject - always smiling!

Product Photography: Strawberries and Martini's

This photo was taken at F4.5 and 1/200 for the shutter.. I was bored one day and decided I wanted to shoot strawberries in a martini glass. I simply placed a