Thursday, April 17, 2014

Photoshop: A how to stitch multiple photos together

This photo is compiled of 8 vertical shots taken in Venice, Italy.  It is super easy to do, check out how!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to light a subject on a backdrop!

It is hard to light a subject on a backdrop.  Why is it hard?  (1) Getting the light right and (2) achieving no shadows on the backdrop.  If you are wanting to hone on on some backdrop magic skills, keep reading!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hit your car, get great photos!

Ok, I don't want you to hit your car too hard!  This photo was taken in my garage... Read below for all the details on how to create photos like this.

An actress, a lake, a sunrise and a flash.

Have you ever seen "The Hunger Games or Steven Spielberg's & Steven King's newest TV hit "Under The Dome"?  If so, you may recognize Mackenzie Lintz in this photo.