Sunday, April 15, 2012

Paper backdrop and a cute kid

I wanted to share (well, brag a little) about how cute my son is and how easy it is to get shots of your children. This is my second born, Maddox. My wife had gone shopping on a Saturday and instead of going outside and finding bugs, I convinced my two year old to put on a tuxedo and do a little photo shoot for me.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Why I love this photo.

There are many reasons why I love this photo! The first four reasons are obvious, my two boys and two sweet nieces. Their faces and expressions are priceless and show their individual personalities. The other reasons are not so obvious.

Why this Photo "Works": Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is perhaps the most well known principle in photography. It is a princple that every photographer must learn - but it is also the first rule you will want to break in order to create creative photographs. But you must know and understand the rules and principles of photography before you can break them.