Friday, February 24, 2012

Sports Photography in 35 seconds

I have recently been photographing a lot of hockey team and individual's for "The Ice". Here is a little insight on sports photography.

Tutorial: My kid learned to fly!

Have you ever see those Photoshopped images in advertisement or on other blogs and thought “how did they do that?” Well, other day I blogged “My kid learned to fly!” and today I am going to show you step by step how to make this happen. Its simple!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My kid learned to fly!

My kid learned to fly! Ok, so maybe he didn't. But at least it looks cool!
Comment, Tweet, Like, share, and Pin this if you want me to post a "How to" on how to make flying photo like this!

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's a new day.

It's a new day, It's a new year, and It's time for change. I had an "duh" moment a few months ago when dealing with clients, orders, and thinking about the 2012 year that was coming up.

The Wind is free - Senior Session

I wanted to take a moment an talk about the wind. The wind can be a wonderful asset while photographing people. It can add details, movement, and playfulness. It can also can make for a terrible session. This session the wind was in my favor.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Soccer Individual Pictures

I took some team and individual Soccer pictures the other day at Northview High School and decided I would tell you a little about my set up. As you can see by the first photo - I had four lights. You might be thinking, "Four lights?! I only see three!" In photography, always assume your number one light is the SUN. I was standing/shooting at the bottom left corner of the image above. The two lights facing the chalk lines making "X" were my fill flashes. the light in the back was my rim light. The fill flashes were at 1/4 power and the rim light was at full power. Here is a test shot I took of myself before I started taking shots of the players. you can see the rim light was used to put light on my back and make me "pop" out of the image by "rimming" me out.