Friday, August 20, 2010

Funk Session

The Funk's are dear friends of mine and it was so much fun doing this session. Their three girls are so beautiful and then fourth new addition, Macy, is full of energy and fun!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Christian and I had a awesome session yesterday. He is an aspiring photographer and had a lot of great ideas and vision for what he wanted for his senior shots. Here is just a taste.

I was so eager to sift through my shots I already posted all his pictures on my site. You can view them all here:

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Its been awhile

I feel like I am just throwing up on my blog by putting up so many pictures. It has been a summer that has just flown by. Here are a few shots that I have taken over the last few months.

It is an understatement to say that Julia was a pleasure to photograph. People in theater/drama are so easy to shoot.

Piney Grove Football Team and Individuals

Voss Wedding

Roswell River Landing is truly one of the most gorgeous places to shoot a wedding in roswell! Nick and Nicole's wedding was amazing to shoot. it was full of great great scenery, perfect light, and beautiful people!

Gilmore Wedding

Wow - this was a fun wedding in so many ways. One it was with some of my co-workers at a local school. Two - the beautiful bride getting marreid was my high school math teacher. Check out some shots of this amazing wedding!