Monday, August 31, 2009

Myrtle Beach 2009

It was yet another great time at Myrtle Beach. Every year at the end of the summer we go to Myrtle Beach. It is such a perfect time to go. The summer is always so crazy for us! So a week long beach trip is always appreciated at the end of the summer.

Peyton Loved to Surf!

Summer 2009

Took this on my vacation to Myrtle Beach. The rainbow looked like this for just a few moments.

Took these pictures below at Panama City, Panama

This boy is a native. He lives in a Thatched roof hut and bathes in the creek. All the kids were very cute!

Panama Canal!

Wedding in July

Right before the kiss
Great railroad tracks right next to the reception hall

Wow - It has been such a long time since I updated my blog. I have been so busy! This summer was Crazy.. I had photography, Grace Fellowship, sold stuff off craigs list, did design for jobhunter, aggressive advertisement, and did a few other odd jobs!

Here are a few pics of a wedding I did back in July. It was probably the best and more fun wedding I have ever shot! Meredith and Scott were both really cool, funny, and fun people!