Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Fishing - Grand Cascades

This is the biggest catfish I have ever caught.  I threw out a piece of a hotdog and caught this monster in about 5 mins!  It took me about 5 mins to get him in because I was using an ultralight rod with 4LB test line.  I think he was easily 5BL
A pic when I got home.  My neighbor, John, wanted to take some catfish home to filet and eat - MMmmmm  it was GOOD!
They also have bass at the Grand Cascades.  I caught this guy in about 2 feet of water about 3 feet away from me.

Phone Pics

Peyton is in love with the spokes woman for Chita Banana. 
Pman is starting early with his studies!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Elyse and Daniel Engagement Pictures

Here are a few pictures I took of Elyse and Daniel for their engagement.  It was a lot of fun to take their pictures.  There were so many that I liked - but here are a few of my favorite.

This one is probably my favorite picture I took.  I love how the outer brick frames the entire picture.
Also another favorite.  This gazebo gives a lot of opportunities for pictures.

Elyse needed a few Senior pictures - here is one I liked because it shows her real laugh.  It is definitely an "Elyse" look.
This was a funny location to shoot.  There is a door to their left that had graffiti on it that said, "Trespassers will be molested (twice)".  I decided to crop that out of the picture.  :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Senior Portrait

I took some senior portraits in downtown Alpharetta yesterday and they really turned out.  I love shooting in Alpharetta because there are a TON of opportunities.  There are stairways, alleys, brick, stone, flowers, everything.

Here is a sample senior announcement that I made for the client.  I try to make them before they even express any interest in having them.  They usually see it and then want to buy it.  
This was actually taken towards the end of the shoot.  She got more and more confortable with posing right next to Highway 9.  I would say, "just try to ignore all the honks and stares" 
Off camera light to her left.

I rigged up my 430EX flash to sync up with my camera.  So it is really cool to shoot on sunny days because it is like I am shooting with three lights (on camera, off camera, and sun)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our House

We have lived in our house now for 8 months or so.  It has been so great getting to know neighbors, taking care of everything (lawn, garage, household projects), and just having a place of our own that we can call home!

Here is a little panoramic view of our downstairs in our new house.  I didn't have time to mend the seams of the panoramic.  But like stated before - this is only a blog.  :)

I took this on Easter.  This is 7 vertical pictures put together.  It should give you pretty good view into where we spend most of our time.
Here is the entrance to our house.  I love the downstairs because EVERYTHING is so open and light.  Maybe in the near future I will go all out and do the outside, backyard, and upstairs.  *dont hold your breathe though.

Watching Sophie

We watched Sophie the other day while Dustin and Jen were out running errands.  It is a lot of fun having family so close!  Took these on the floor of our upstairs.  They were about to take a bath.  I still want to take that power socket out of the picture... but hey, this is just a blog...  

So cute!  (on camera flash/manual - simple)

Easter 2009

Easter 2009 was Peyton's first Easter.  He loved it.  He got to go to church and see all his family at the same time.  He did miss seeing Mandy though :(

Not sure why I like this picture so much.  It is not in focus - but I just like it.  

These tulips were planted by a landscaper in our church who came over and planted them for free to honor/encourage my mom when she was going through chemo.  A great and wonderful gift of love!!

Sophie and Peyotn love each other so much.  They are going to be best friends!
Abuela YAY!

valencia sleepover

It was so much fun to have the whole family hang out all night at my parents.  We played games, ate dinner, and then had breakfast and lunch the next day.  Very relaxed!
Here are a few shots I took of the festivities. 

Dustin and Peyton
Jessie and Peyton in his "Be Cute; Don't Pollute" Tshirt.
A total Pman stoic stare!
On and Off camera lighting.  She is such a great subject!