Thursday, March 26, 2009

London U.K. Finally

I finally got around (FOUND!) the London footage.  We went to London in the  fall (2007).  It was all expense paid (except my food) because it was a "business trip" through Spinvox (Jessie's old employer). 
There was not too much footage.  Not nearly as much as Italy - I guess Jessie got it all out of her system...
Good Times...

Friday, March 20, 2009

"He' going to be a BASEBALL PLAYER!"

This one is my favorite.  You can tell me again and again that all I take pictures of are close ups of his face...  It is just just so hard not too!

He absolutely loves his mom!!  He throws his hands up in the air and just smiles!  She also can get him to cuddle.  He doesn't cuddle with me - he just gets super hyper and excited.  I think I need to start being a little more mellow with him.  

I used to hate going to braves games almost as much as I hated going to Stone Mountain.  But now I am can go to a game, hang out, and have fun.  I am not going crazy here - I still wont watch the game.  I can just hold on conversations better, take pictures, and just chill now.  All that to say - Peyton does look good in a baseball cap - Maybe he;s going to be a BASEBALL PLAYER?!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pman Video

Here is yet another random video from the Valencia Home.  You would think that having no cable would be unbearable in the time and age that we live in.  I have actually found it refreshing.  Refreshing in the sense that I don't (or cant) run to the T.V. every time I get "bored" or am waiting on Jessie to get ready.  Instead I will do some work, play or take pictures of Peyton, or make video's like the one below!  Anyways, Peyton loves to take pictures...  He likes to drool, roll over, and play.  Sounds like a dog, but I promise he acts like a human!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

When T.V. is not an option...

And yet another video which proves that you don't need TV to have fun!!  
For the Peyton Fans:  Sorry - he was asleep